This is a packaging design for a conceptual tea brand that I created in my Graphic Design 1 class as an assignment. We had the choice between designing a tea or K-cup box for the assignment and I chose to do a tea box.

With the tea box design, I wanted to create a strong branding identity that evoked a sense of serenity and being in a meditative state that is usually affiliated with the experience of drinking tea. This is reflected through the wordmark logo of the tea brand with the long, curved ascenders and wide counters of the type that represents a flow state that is integral to the brand’s image.

For the box design, I took inspiration from existing tea brands such as Pure Leaf, Lipton, and Tazo. I also took some suttle inspiration from zen and buddhism philosophy for the wording and symbol (the zen stones) on the back of the box. It’s a marketing tactic to breathe more life into the box design and sells the consumer on why they should buy this product and how it’s good for you.

Originally, the box design was going to only include green tea as an available flavor. I would later include black tea as an additional flavor to experiment with branding consistency and how the tea brand would seamlessly showcase other flavors to consumers.

I decided that each flavor would have their own unique symbol and color on the box that fit with the flavor while the brand itself, Tranquil, maintained a palette of dark and light teal blues along with some sine wave patterns that flows seamleslly through box. The symbols themselves on the front part of the box do not necessarily have a deep meaning or message behind them but rather provide aesthetic appeal and aura that enhances the brand’s image.

Additionally, I also designed the sachets for the tea bags that go inside the box. For the sachets, the same concept from the box design is applied with a few minor changes.

WORK TYPE: Class Assignment

TEA BOX SPECS: 5.2 '' x 3.5 ''

TEA SACHET SPECS: 3 '' x 2.5 ''

360 Spin Viewer
Green Tea Box
Black Tea Box
Green Tea Sachet
Black Tea Sachet

To rotate the interactive 360° spin model, hold the left button mouse on the model and drag it horizontally from left to right.


FANTASÍA Packaging, Branding